Bloboy’s journey – Development log – 3

I know I said I said that I’d write a post a week…

But, you know, the hazards of life, work and Murphy…

Yet, as demonstrated by this post, I’ve not given up on my gelatinous friend.

I added a scroll bar for small resolutions so that the entire level can be displayed on their screen (which by the way allows me to have a version of the code on my netbook and code on the train).

The flask reappeared, with the idea of recovering the essences (and mixing them), even though I have not yet implemented the action of each color.

Then of course there are the new graphics of Medea.

Finally, as you can see in the picture, the pointer is target-shaped.

It will be used to throw projectiles and the other features that will be managed by the mouse.

Thus, for the rest, my goal for the moment is to get a lite version of the game (with a maximum of 3 levels) and to make it run on all three operating systems (Linux, Mac OS and Windows).

Category: Bloboy's journey, Navigation One comment »

One Response to “Bloboy’s journey – Development log – 3”

  1. Nefer

    Quid de Blobby?

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